Sunday, March 20, 2011

Advertising: Teen Magazine

What is it that draws teens to " Teen Magazine" other than the title?

Teen Magazine's Advertising design team creates the magazine to catch particularly the eye of teens by finding research on what teenagers like. (Silverblatt pg. 138) The advertorials can take your(advertising) campaign one step further by providing additional information that is not provided in your advertisement. When Companies are trying to sell a certain brand or product they will work together with the magazine or television add to attract the attention of the consumer. For example if Neutrogena is trying to sell a new acne product, the cover of the magazine will say something like" Are you tired of embarrassing acne blemishes?" look on page 56. to find the new secret to cure this terrible problem. This gives the consumer the incentive to not only purchase the magazine but to also check out and possible purchase the Neutrogena product as well. 

There are many tricks in the Advertising business. Companies are continuously finding new ways to draw in and obtain loyal customers. The best day to watch advertisements is the Super Bowl. Super Bowl adds are the best because businesses know this is the day everyone in the world is glued to their TVs. Compaines pay out huge bucks just to get a couple mintues of air time. Today it is an estimated 2.6 million dollars to buy 30 seconds of air time on a Sunday Super Bowl game. Some companies like Doritios can flash two seconds of a bag of chips and instantly it stimulates a message to a large percent of viewers to go out and grab a bag of Doritios. 

Advertising is a powerful key to business success!


  1. I dunno... I always thought knowing 58 different hair tricks when there are only 7 days in a week was why I was attracted to those bubblegum covers.

  2. The Doritos bag thing reminds me of the idea of subliminal messaging. Apparently there where cases when drive in movies started appearing where owners would splice slides saying things such as "buy popcorn" in the film. I wonder how effective those really were.
