Monday, October 29, 2012

The Big Questions

When I hear the word communication, I think in my mind about myself and a friend speaking to one another about a relate able topic of interest. This is because communication is the process of sending and receiving messages. However, not everyone communicates in the same way as I do, which means there are different ways in which we choose to communicate.

Language in some form is always involved in communication. Language can be spoken, hand-signed, written, or shown through body movements; such as, body markings, hairstyle, dress and accessories.

Two features of Human Language 

Scholars have found two most prominent language characteristics to be one, Productivity and two, Displacement.

Productivity is a feature of human language whereby people are able to communicate a potentially infinite number of messages efficiently.

. nonhuman primates do not have the capability to for speech that humans do.

There is a world famous Ape in Iowa who can understand a large percentage of what humans say to him, and he can respond to them by combining symbols on a printed board.


Displacement the second feature of language, it is a human language whereby people are able to talk about events in the past and future.

The past and the future are considered displacement domains.

Piraha are a group of around 350 foragers whom live in the Amazonian rain forest.  Their grammar is simple and they use no numbers, no past-tense verbs or color terms. They have no myths or stories and no art other than a few necklace pieces.


Language is also non-verbal.

Sign language is a non-verbal form of communication. Sign language uses mainly hand movements to convey messages. This is a communication system that provides a fully competent communication system for its users, the same as spoken language does. Some cultures use sign language as a second language and can be recognized as a native language. Gestures are movements, usually of  the hands, that convey meanings.

Sign language alpha bet

Gestures can be universal, however some cultures have highly developed their gesture system more than others.

Silence Speaks

Silence is a form of non-verbal and can be related to a social status. In Siberia, when a women becomes a marrying in, daugher-in-law she has the lowest status in the household, and will rarely speak. Silence is related with power and is an important component of communication among many American Indian cultures.

Writing systems are also a big part of Communications.

The earliest written language comes from Mesopotamia, Egypt and China. Early systems of writing used logographs. These are signs that indicate a word, symbol, or sound.


Khipu- Cords of knotted strings used during the Inca empire for keeping accounts and recording events.The knots conveyed substantial information to those who could interpret their meaning.

Khipu Cords

Religion in Comparative Perspective

What is religion? There are a variety of Religious beliefs but to sum up the term religion, it is beliefs and behavior related to supernatural beings and forces. Religion is linked to people's worldviews but it is not the same. Worldview is a wider concept and it does not include the criterion of concern with a supernatural realm. Comparatively speakings religion is placed in a category of terms such as; magic, myths and a doctrine.

Magic is people's attempt to compel supernatural forces and beings to act in certain ways.

Sir James Frazer contrasted magic with religion, he stated that" it is the attempt to please supernatural forces or beings."

Myth and Doctrine are two main forms of expressing beliefs.

Myth, stories about supernatural forces or begins. It is narrative and has a plot with a beginning, middle and end.

Myths tell of a message through a story rather than by using logic or formal argument.

The Sun and the Moon 

A side from Myths a Doctrine is direct and formalized statements about religious beliefs.

Within Religion there is rituals that groups regularly practice.

A ritual is a patterned, repetitive behavior focused on the supernatural realm. A Christian ritual of communion is performed the first Sunday of every month and is a symbol of God's body broken and his blood shed for his people. By remembering they drink a bit of red colored wine or juice and break off a piece of bread.


Life-cycle rituals are a different form of rituals. Life-cycle is a ritual that marks a change in status from one life stage to another; also called rite of passage.

.The beginning phase, is the initiate. It is separated by physically, socially, or symbolically normal life.
. The transition is when the person is no longer in the previous status but is not yet a member of the next stage.
. Reintegration, the last stage, happens when the initiate emerges and is welcomed by the community as an individual taking place in the new status.

Religious freedom is here in America, however in other places religious views are kept quit and anyone who disagrees may be thrown in jail or worse murdered. Sometimes people who are persecuted on religious grounds can seek and obtain sanctuary in other places or nations.

Religion can often be the cause of major conflicts. As an integral part of the heritage of humanity, religions are best understood within a cross-cultural and contextualized perspective.

Protest against God

Art and Culture

Expressive culture and art can be easily compared because they are similar to one another. Expressive culture is behaviors and beliefs related to art. Art, is the application of imagination, skill, and style to matter, movement, and sound that goes beyond what is purely practical. 

Art is consider to be universal to all humans. Every culture possesses the ability to create beautiful artwork. For example when looking a piece of work that has a women holding a baby in her arms, this would be understood in every culture as a mother and her child. It is because all humans can see and interpret what the artist is saying by relating it to what they see in their own lives..

Motherhood is universal 

There are different forms of art!

One form is performance art. This includes music, dance, theater, rhetoric speech making and a narrative story. 

.Music is artist and is favor in nearly every country if not all. Some are better than others in certain areas of art depending on the brain creativity and time set aside to practice their skills. 

Then there is painting and drawing art. Art that is the artist perspective and a piece that relates to them and possibly other in different ways.

Art just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!


Leisure Time

Every culture has their own way of relaxing and have some fun together. 
Sports are the most popular form of leisure time. 

Leisure can be, Sports, traveling, resting, spending time outdoors or just simply talking with friends inside a home. 

In the U.S games are played safely as possible with many rules to follow, however in other cultures some sports can be very blood and dangerous. For them the game would be less for leisure and more as a ritual. 

Blood sport- is a competition that explicitly seeks to bring about a flow of blood from, or even death!

Culture is no secret, it makes up our world. It's who we are and apart of where we are from.

Art, sports,theater, Communication skills, etc. are all apart of culture. 

Expressing our own individual rituals and cultural differences is important, this is so we have a nice variety of beauty in the world and comparative relations as well as difference in between the cultures.

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