Saturday, January 22, 2011

What is Media Literacy?

Media Literacy is the ability to analyze and sift through the messages that inform, entertain and sell to us every day. Today our world runs on commercialism, globalization and interactivity. Media isn't about having the right answers it's about asking the right questions. Elizabeth Thoman, Founder and President, Center for Media Literacy states that there are three types of Media Literacy.The first stage is to become aware of the importance of managing one's media "diet". This means reducing the time we spend watching T.V, videos, games and other media print forms. Learning specific skills of critical viewing is the second stage. What is in the frame and how it is put together and what my have been left out is what we have to analyze and question. Interactive group activities or inquiry-based classes are the best way to learn the skills of critical viewing.The third stage explores deeper issues such as what is behind the frame? To become more Media Literate we must ask question like; who produces the media we are consumed in? who profits? who decides? and who loses? Mass media is what drives our global consumer economy. The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) believes "being literate in a media age requires critical thinking skills that empower us as we make decisions, whether in the classroom, the living room, the workplace, the boardroom, or the voting booth." Media surrounds our day to day lives. We are the feeders of the media, we are the machine and the creators of Media Literacy.

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