Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Video Killed the Radio Star

I always get annoyed when a radio station over kills on playing the same song over and over again. Before learning about the music industry in this class I wasn't able to understand why out of thousands of songs they would choose to play the same five. Before the age of music videos the focus was on a true musician with completely raw talent. It didn't matter if you were blind or ugly, if you could sing or play an instrument like no other than you were signed. Records were sold like crazy and people didn't care if the artist was old, out of shape or even had buck teeth. Musicians had to fight to work they’re way on a record deal based on there ability to write, sing and play.

From this..

to this...

People may wonder why there are so many instant pop stars now rather than hard working naturally talented artist. The answer is because the only thing record producers are focusing on is the income from radio advertising. The emphasis has been switched from talent to youth and beauty. It doesn't matter anymore if you can write your own songs or play an instrument like no one else all the producers are looking for is a made over voice and a look that draws people’s attention and takes their money. Today, you must have the whole package deal, there’s no exception for a pop star that isn't top of the line all around an attractive person to look at.

Today in the business if you are not interesting, you do not get signed. Advertising dollars own the radio industry. For example Clear Channel is a radio station that is in control over many stations and is in command of what gets played on the radio. The company will actually create a playlist of tops songs they know the majority of the mass will turn into hear and that is all that gets played. Repeatedly over and over again we have to listen to the same tunes, because producers figure if we hear something unfamiliar we will change it. A station can not risk loosing our attention so they play it safe and continue to repeat the same ten songs all day long. This means in order to be a successful musicians you either fall in or you fall out, bottom line.  

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