Wednesday, February 9, 2011



What makes reality.. real? Seems like a dumb question to some who believe that every reality show they watch on television is real. Well I hate to break it to those people but reality television is rarely real.

For example I used to be in love with a show called "The Hills". The Hills is a show that is about a girl Lauren who is a real girl living in L.A working for a prestige magazine " Teen Vogue". The T.V show showcases the lifestyle of Lauren and her fabulous friends. Now the thing is yes these people are real and the what they do is real but when you analysis their conversations it clear to see that their scenes are staged and planned to take place. 

Producer know that to hold the attention on their viewer they have to put only the edited clips of all the drama and action. They pack months of footage into 30 min segments so they we glue to the television.For me despite knowing this information I still continue to watch reality shows.Even though most of it is fake, I am drawn into the chaos of reality stars' life.


When I watch a Fictional movie I get lost. If the producer has done their job I can sit in my seat and drift into the movie. I fall in love with the characters, I follow the plot and imagine myself in the scenes. 

A movie I love to watch is "Pirates of the Caribbean". This is movie gave me a rush of excitement. I wanted to     jump aboard the ship and became a pirate.The visuals were so great and the actors made the movie seem like reality, but we all know that the pirates robbing boats with one eye and a parrot on the shoulder isn't normal to see now a days.Although it never hurts to image living life in such a way.

Other movie such as: Avatar, Twilight, and Harry Potter are great action packed movies that take viewers into a world of their own imagination.

I think its good to have a balance of reality and fiction. Sometimes people want to see what is really going on in the media, the live news, real stories. Then on the other hand it's nice to have that hour and a half or two to really imagine and drift off into another world. This is why so many people fall in love with movies because it gives them the reality break they may need.

Media fictional or non-fictional gives us the time to sit, relax and forget the chaos that surrounds our own lives


  1. Although i cant stand th Hillls, you give some great examples. Fantastic post Alexa. Reallly getting good at blogging!

  2. I love how you are looking at this "reality" from a different point of view than a lot of the others. I really hate these reality tv shows i think they are teaching people all the wrong ways to act when people are ignorant to how REAL life works. Brilliant.
